Replace lost or old Point65 parts with fresh new ones!
Hatch lids (Point65) At arrow, Round 15cm. Top center: Lightweight Round 20cm. Top Left: Round 24cm. Bottom: Oval 26 x 44cm.
To avoid loss, we recommend you tether your hatch to your kayak using the hole in the hatch security tab.
Useful tip: Hatch lids are durable and long lasting, but you can extend their useful life and also make them more supple, which makes them easier to secure and to take off, by spraying and lightly wiping with a UV protective spray such as "303 Aerospace Protectant".
Replacement Ratchet Straps and Buckles fit all models of Point65 take apart kayaks.The buckle shown top is the currently used buckle, replacing the lower buckle. Buckles are interchangeable.
Tip: avoid over-tightening the buckle as this can make it difficult to release, and can stress the strap. If it is difficult to tighten, leave it be!
New kayaks will have this buckle
Useful tip: Avoid standing your
modular kayak parts on end with the buckles or ratchets in the sand.
Rinse with fresh water after use to keep ratchet strap and buckle teeth
clean and free of debris, and also to allow modular parts to join
smoothly. If you assemble your kayak at the waters edge you can always
rinse the joints clean before clipping together if necessary. Avoid folding the straps.